Mi yaya Consuelo preparaba en ocasiones las clásicas
empanadillitas de tomate con atún. Me encantaban. Y a quién no. Aquí os presento otra forma
distinta de presentarlas. Utilizaremos para ello dos obleas por cada disco. Son
un buen bocadito como entrante. En este caso, además del tomate con atún y piñones
que hacía mi yaya, le he añadido un segundo relleno consistente en una boloñesa casera. De esta manera, manteniendo el mismo tomate frito como base de la farsa puedes sorprender
doblemente a los tuyos.
Ingredientes (para 4 personas):
16 obleas para empanadillas
1/2 bote de tomate triturado
1/4 bandeja de carne picada
1 lata de atún
½ bote de piñones
Pimienta negra
1 cucharadita de ajo en polvo
Aceite de oliva
-Salpimenta la carne y sofríela en una sartén donde hayas
calentado el aceite a fuego medio.
-Añádele la mitad del tomate, el ajo en polvo y remueve. Rectifica
la acidez con azúcar. Rectifica de sal y reserva.
-Calienta ahora la otra mitad del tomate con la lata de atún
y los piñones. Rectifica la acidez con azúcar. Rectifica de sal y reserva.
-Presenta las obleas, añade a la mitad 2 cucharadas de la boloñesa
y a la otra mitad 2 cucharadas del tomate con atún y piñones. Ciérralas con
otra oblea para formar los discos y pisa el borde con un tenedor para sellarlo.
-Calienta a fuego fuerte aceite en una sartén (debe haber
suficiente aceite como para cubrir al menos la mitad de los discos). Fríe los
discos por ambos lados en tandas de 2 ó 3 para evitar que baje en exceso la
temperatura del aceite. Reserva en papel absorbente para quitar el exceso de
-Sirve los discos sobre una cama de lechuga cortada en juliana.
Discos de dos sabores |
My Granny Consuelo used to cooked this starter with tomato and tuna. I loved them. Today I present a different way of presentation. Use for this two wafers per disc. They are a good snack as a starter. In this case, besides the tuna tomato and pine nuts that my Granny did, I've added a second fill consisting of a Bolognese sauce. Thus, keeping the same tomato sauce as a base of the fill, you can surprise twice to yours.
Ingredients (servings 4):
16 wafers for dumplings
1/2 can of crushed tomatoes
1/4 minced meat tray
1 can of tuna
½ bottle of pine nuts
black pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Olive oil
- Add salt and pepper to the meat and fry it in a pan where you have heated the oil over medium heat.
- Throw it half the tomatoes, garlic powder and stir. Correct the acidity adding sugar. Salt to taste and reserve.
- Heat now the other half of the tomatoes with the can of tuna and pine nuts. Correct the acidity adding sugar. Salt to taste and reserve.
-Present the wafers, add 2 tablespoons of the Bolognese sauce in the half of them and add 2 tablespoons of tomato with tuna and pine nuts in the other half. Close them with another wafer to form the disc and hit the edge with a fork to seal.
- Heat over high heat oil in a pan (there should be enough oil to cover at least half of the discs). Fry the discs on both sides in sets of 2 or 3 to prevent low temperature of oil. Book absorbent paper to remove excess oil.
- Present the discs on a bed of lettuce cut into strips.
Ingredients (servings 4):
16 wafers for dumplings
1/2 can of crushed tomatoes
1/4 minced meat tray
1 can of tuna
½ bottle of pine nuts
black pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Olive oil
- Add salt and pepper to the meat and fry it in a pan where you have heated the oil over medium heat.
- Throw it half the tomatoes, garlic powder and stir. Correct the acidity adding sugar. Salt to taste and reserve.
- Heat now the other half of the tomatoes with the can of tuna and pine nuts. Correct the acidity adding sugar. Salt to taste and reserve.
-Present the wafers, add 2 tablespoons of the Bolognese sauce in the half of them and add 2 tablespoons of tomato with tuna and pine nuts in the other half. Close them with another wafer to form the disc and hit the edge with a fork to seal.
- Heat over high heat oil in a pan (there should be enough oil to cover at least half of the discs). Fry the discs on both sides in sets of 2 or 3 to prevent low temperature of oil. Book absorbent paper to remove excess oil.
- Present the discs on a bed of lettuce cut into strips.
Uno de los tres o cuatro bocados que me transportan a la infancia. Una sabrosa máquina del tiempo.