Hoy es día de luto. Hoy mi yayo se ha ido de nuestro lado. Con lo que me vais a permitir la licencia de que no os hable de cocina en este post. Como bien ha dicho una buena amiga, pierdo un abuelo y gano un ángel para toda la vida (ése es hoy mi consuelo). La verdad es que soy quien soy en buena medida por su culpa (a excepción de la cocina, donde sólo compartíamos el gusto por lo bueno). Tengo el honor de ser su heredero sentimental, con lo que me siento inmensamente afortunado. Como dice mi madre, mi nombre debería haber sido Vicente, y no Luis. Yo nací al poco de fallecer su padre, mi bisabuelo Rigoberto (Roberto para todos), y siempre he sido para mi madre la reencarnación de su abuelo Roberto. Seguro que por eso me he sentido siempre tan unido a mi yayo, su hijo al fin y al cabo. Y no hay nada que me recuerde más a mi abuelo, culinariamente hablando, como el martini con ginebra, acompañado de un plato de almendras recién tostadas. El primer recuerdo que tengo de ello es en un restaurante de la Puebla de Farnals, llamado "La Gran Paella", donde mi abuelo solía encargar la paellita de los domingos. Era allí donde él disfrutaba de este aperitivo mientras esperábamos a que nos la entregaran. Siempre me llevaba con él a aquel lugar en su antiguo Ford Fiesta 1.1 Guia, con el que me enseñó a cambiar de marchas y me instruyó en nociones básicas de mecánica (mi yayo era mecánico de motores y ahí empezó mi pasión por ellos y lo que fue, a la postre, mi formación universitaria). Es por ello que ése será, a partir de ahora, mi aperitivo favorito, para que él siempre me acompañe. Seguro que volveremos a tomarnos uno juntos, algún día. Admisión, Compresión, Explosión y Escape (estooooo, qué iba a decirte yo...).
¡Hasta siempre, Sultán!
Today is a black day. Today my grandfather has gone from our side. As a good friend of mine said , you lost a grandfather but win an angel for life (that is now my consolation). The truth is that I am who I am because of him (except in the cooking, where we only shared that we like good meals). I have the honor of being his sentimental heir, so I feel immensely lucky. As my mother, my name should have been Vincente, and not Luis. I was born shortly after his father's death, Rigoberto (Roberto for all of us), and I have always been for my mother the reincarnation of his grandfather Roberto. Surely that's why I've always felt so close to my grandfather, his son after all. And there's nothing that remember me my grandfather, culinary speaking, as the gin martini, accompanied by a plate of freshly roasted almonds. The first memory I have of this dish is at a restaurant in Puebla de Farnals, called "La Gran Paella", where my grandfather used to order a paella on Sundays. It was there where he enjoyed this appetizer while we waited to deliver it. I always carried with him to that place in his old Ford Fiesta 1.1 Guia, with which taught me to shift gears and instructed me in basic notions of mechanics (my grandpa was a motor mechanic and was there when began my passion for them, so much that it was my university education). That is why that will be, from now, my favorite snack, so he's always with me. Sure we take one together again someday. Intake, compression, explosion and Escape.
Farewell, Sultan!
Vicente López Olmos (12/04/26 - 08/05/12) |
Today is a black day. Today my grandfather has gone from our side. As a good friend of mine said , you lost a grandfather but win an angel for life (that is now my consolation). The truth is that I am who I am because of him (except in the cooking, where we only shared that we like good meals). I have the honor of being his sentimental heir, so I feel immensely lucky. As my mother, my name should have been Vincente, and not Luis. I was born shortly after his father's death, Rigoberto (Roberto for all of us), and I have always been for my mother the reincarnation of his grandfather Roberto. Surely that's why I've always felt so close to my grandfather, his son after all. And there's nothing that remember me my grandfather, culinary speaking, as the gin martini, accompanied by a plate of freshly roasted almonds. The first memory I have of this dish is at a restaurant in Puebla de Farnals, called "La Gran Paella", where my grandfather used to order a paella on Sundays. It was there where he enjoyed this appetizer while we waited to deliver it. I always carried with him to that place in his old Ford Fiesta 1.1 Guia, with which taught me to shift gears and instructed me in basic notions of mechanics (my grandpa was a motor mechanic and was there when began my passion for them, so much that it was my university education). That is why that will be, from now, my favorite snack, so he's always with me. Sure we take one together again someday. Intake, compression, explosion and Escape.
Farewell, Sultan!
Días tristes en los que sentirnos afortunados por lo que somos y lo que tenemos. Hasta siempre Vicente.