Os presento un arroz con solera que se aleja del clásico arroz a banda o la paella valenciana de pollo y conejo. Manteniendo un fondo de pescado, las verduras que se le añaden le otorgan un carácter auténtico para poder ser etiquetado como un "mar y montaña". Este sencillo arroz será una alternativa a la clásica paellita del domingo que sorprenderá a todos tus invitados, con una combinación calidad-precio-dificultad envidiable.
Ingredientes (para 4 personas):
400gr. de arroz extra (el normal de siempre, para aclararnos. Normalmente la cantidad de arroz por persona es de 80gr., pero yo siempre pongo algo más en este tipo de arroces tipo "del senyoret", pues la gente suele comer más cantidad).
12 gambones medianos
1 manojo de espárragos trigueros
1 manojo de ajos tiernos
1'5 litros de caldo de pescado (si lo compras en supermercado te ahorrará tiempo y el resultado sigue siendo espectacular)
1 cebolla pequeña (yo compro los paquetes congelados de cebolla cortada, son realmente prácticos y no he vuelto a llorar en la cocina)
4 cucharadas de tomate natural triturado
2 cucharaditas (de café) de Pimentón dulce ahumado (el de la Vera es, sin duda, el mejor para los arroces)
2 cucharaditas (de café) de Cúrcuma (hará las veces de azafrán)
- Calienta aceite en una paella (el aceite debe cubrir la mitad del diámetro del recipiente).
- Sofríe ligeramente los gambones con algo de sal por las dos partes (fuego medio). Rompe las cabezas con la cuchara para que salga el coral y se mezcle con el aceite. Retíralos y reserva en un plato para que se enfríen. Pélalos (la parte interior de la carne del gambón debe estar prácticamente cruda cuando los peles) y resérvalos para añadirlos al arroz los últimos 5 minutos de cocción. Las cáscaras se ponen en un recipiente con caldo de pescado para extraer el coral que quede y dar mayor potencia de sabor al guiso (en el momento de incorporar el caldo se cuela y listo).
- Añade a la paella los trigueros y los ajos tiernos, previamente cortados a trozos de 1cm de longitud más o menos. Rehógalos hasta que empiecen a reblandecerse (seguimos en fuego medio).
- Añade la cebolla y rehoga todo junto hasta que la cebolla quede pochada (transparente)
- A continuación, añade el tomate y mueve hasta que desaparezca.
- Añade el arroz y remueve todo junto para que se impregne bien de los sabores (3 ó 4 vueltas).
- Añade el pimentón y mueve todo. Vierte el caldo de pescado a los 15-20 segundos desde que hayas puesto el pimentón o se te quemará y le aportará al arroz un desagradable sabor amargo.
- Ahora sube el fuego para que hierva el líquido lo antes posible y cuenta 20 minutos desde que empiece a hervir para que haya desaparecido todo el caldo. La cocción debe ser 10 minutos a fuego fuerte y 8 minutos a fuego medio, quitando el calor del centro del caldero los últimos 3 minutos.
- A los 10 minutos de cocción añade la cúrcuma y rectifica de sal (intenta que el caldo quede algo sentido de sal, pues el arroz tiende a neutralizarla).
¡¡!! Si haces la paella sobre vitrocerámica, baja la potencia al final y desplázala los últimos 3 minutos para eliminar el calor del centro. En caso de no tener gas para cocinar (como es mi caso), es preferible comprarte un rodal mediano y adquirir en una gasolinera una pequeña bombona de plástico (que son muy prácticas y las puedes guardar en cualquier sitio). Es una pequeña inversión que te reportará grandes satisfacciones.
Arroz de gambones, ajos tiernos y trigueros |
I present you a rice with tradition that departs from the classic "arroz a banda" or "paella". Maintaining a fish broth, vegetables are added to give an authentic character to be labeled as a "sea and mountain" dish. This simple rice will be an alternative to the classical paellita Sunday to surprise your guests with a enviable combination of money, quality and difficulty.
Ingredients (serving 4):
350gr. Extra rice (Usually the amount of rice per person is 80gr., but I always put something else in this type of rice because people tend to eat more).
12 medium king prawns
1 bunch asparagus
1 bunch young garlic
1 liter fish stock (if you buy it in the supermarket, you will save time and the result is still spectacular)
1/4 medium onion (I buy frozen packages chopped onion, that are really practical and I have not mourn in the kitchen)
4 tbsp crushed tomato
2 teaspoons of Smoked Paprika (the de la Vera is definitely the best for rice)
2 teaspoons of Turmeric
350gr. Extra rice (Usually the amount of rice per person is 80gr., but I always put something else in this type of rice because people tend to eat more).
12 medium king prawns
1 bunch asparagus
1 bunch young garlic
1 liter fish stock (if you buy it in the supermarket, you will save time and the result is still spectacular)
1/4 medium onion (I buy frozen packages chopped onion, that are really practical and I have not mourn in the kitchen)
4 tbsp crushed tomato
2 teaspoons of Smoked Paprika (the de la Vera is definitely the best for rice)
2 teaspoons of Turmeric
- Heat oil in a frying pan (oil should cover half the diameter of the container).
- Sauté king prawns lightly with some salt on both sides (medium heat). Break the heads with the spoon to loosen coral and mix with the oil. Remove them and reserve on a plate to cool. Peel them (the inside of the pink shrimp meat should be almost raw when you peel it) and add at the rice for the last 5 minutes of cooking. The shells are placed in a container with fish broth to remove the coral and give more power to the stew taste (at the time of incorporating the broth you must strain it).
- Add the asparagus and young garlic, previously cut into pieces 1 cm long or so. Fry it until they begin to soften (still over medium heat).
- Add the onion and fry all together until the onion is turned to transparent
- Heat oil in a frying pan (oil should cover half the diameter of the container).
- Sauté king prawns lightly with some salt on both sides (medium heat). Break the heads with the spoon to loosen coral and mix with the oil. Remove them and reserve on a plate to cool. Peel them (the inside of the pink shrimp meat should be almost raw when you peel it) and add at the rice for the last 5 minutes of cooking. The shells are placed in a container with fish broth to remove the coral and give more power to the stew taste (at the time of incorporating the broth you must strain it).
- Add the asparagus and young garlic, previously cut into pieces 1 cm long or so. Fry it until they begin to soften (still over medium heat).
- Add the onion and fry all together until the onion is turned to transparent
- Then add the tomato and moves until it disappears.- Add the rice and stir everything together to coat the flavors (3 or 4 turns).
- Add the paprika and moves everything. Pour the fish stock within 15-20 seconds after you put the paprika or it will give to the rice an unpleasant bitter taste.
- Now fire up to boil the liquid as soon as possible. Since liquid is boiling you will have 20 minutes in order to disappear all the stock. Cooking should be 10 minutes over high heat and 10 minutes over medium heat, removing heat from the center of the pot the last 3 minutes.
- Within 10 minutes of cooking add the turmeric and salt (try to be something felt broth salt, as the rice tends to neutralize it).
!! Be careful if you cook over vitroceramic. Avoid the paella from the heat in center the last 3 minutes. In case you have no gas for cooking (like me), I recomend you to buy a medium stand and purchased a small plastic gas bottle at a gas station (which are very practical and can save anywhere). It's a small investment that will bring you great satisfaction.
- Add the paprika and moves everything. Pour the fish stock within 15-20 seconds after you put the paprika or it will give to the rice an unpleasant bitter taste.
- Now fire up to boil the liquid as soon as possible. Since liquid is boiling you will have 20 minutes in order to disappear all the stock. Cooking should be 10 minutes over high heat and 10 minutes over medium heat, removing heat from the center of the pot the last 3 minutes.
- Within 10 minutes of cooking add the turmeric and salt (try to be something felt broth salt, as the rice tends to neutralize it).
!! Be careful if you cook over vitroceramic. Avoid the paella from the heat in center the last 3 minutes. In case you have no gas for cooking (like me), I recomend you to buy a medium stand and purchased a small plastic gas bottle at a gas station (which are very practical and can save anywhere). It's a small investment that will bring you great satisfaction.
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